HBCU Enrollment Data Visualization

Thu, Mar 10, 2022 4-minute read

In this blog post, I will analyze the data about HBCU enrollment from TidyTuesday. Personally, I don’t know what HBCU stands for prior to analyzing the data, and hopefully I can use data visualization to understand it better.

Load the packages and set up the theme for plots:


Load and clean up the data:

hbcu_all <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2021/2021-02-02/hbcu_all.csv") %>%

hs_students <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2021/2021-02-02/hs_students.csv") %>%
  clean_names() %>%
  mutate(total = fct_recode(as.character(total),
                            "1910" = "19103",
                            "1920" = "19203",
                            "1930" = "19303"))

hbcu_black <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2021/2021-02-02/hbcu_black.csv") %>%

## # A tibble: 32 x 12
##     year total_enrollment  males females x4_year x2_year total_public
##    <dbl>            <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>        <dbl>
##  1  1976           222613 104669  117944  206676   15937       156836
##  2  1980           233557 106387  127170  218009   15548       168217
##  3  1982           228371 104897  123474  212017   16354       165871
##  4  1984           227519 102823  124696  212844   14675       164116
##  5  1986           223275  97523  125752  207231   16044       162048
##  6  1988           239755 100561  139194  223250   16505       173672
##  7  1990           257152 105157  151995  240497   16655       187046
##  8  1991           269335 110442  158893  252093   17242       197847
##  9  1992           279541 114622  164919  261089   18452       204966
## 10  1993           282856 116397  166459  262430   20426       208197
## # ... with 22 more rows, and 5 more variables: x4_year_public <dbl>,
## #   x2_year_public <dbl>, total_private <dbl>, x4_year_private <dbl>,
## #   x2_year_private <dbl>

Data processing:

column_name_change <- . %>%
  rename(`Total Enrollment` = total_enrollment,
         Male = males,
         Female = females,
         `Year 4` = x4_year,
         `Year 2` = x2_year,
         `Total Public` = total_public,
         `Total Private` = total_private,
         `Public Year 4` = x4_year_public,
         `Public Year 2` = x2_year_public,
         `Private Year 4` = x4_year_private,
         `Private Year 2` = x2_year_private) %>%
               names_to = "student", 
               values_to = "count")

hbcu_all_long <- hbcu_all %>%

## # A tibble: 352 x 3
##     year student           count
##    <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>
##  1  1976 Total Enrollment 222613
##  2  1976 Male             104669
##  3  1976 Female           117944
##  4  1976 Year 4           206676
##  5  1976 Year 2            15937
##  6  1976 Total Public     156836
##  7  1976 Public Year 4    143528
##  8  1976 Public Year 2     13308
##  9  1976 Total Private     65777
## 10  1976 Private Year 4    63148
## # ... with 342 more rows

Now let’s visualize HBCU enrollemnt across various sectors. Here functional programming is used, map() and reduce() in particular.

hbcu_line_scatter <- function(vec, tbl) {
  tbl %>%
  filter(student %in% vec) %>%
  mutate(student = fct_reorder(student, -count, sum)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(year, count, color = student)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  labs(color = NULL,
       x = NULL,
       y = "# of enrollment",
       title = "Yearly # of HBCU Enrollment") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

hbcu_plots <- function(hbcu_tbl = hbcu_all_long) {
  plots <- map(list(c("Male", "Female"),
           c("Year 4", "Year 2"),
           c("Total Public", "Total Private")),
      tbl = hbcu_tbl)
reduce(hbcu_plots(), `/`)

There are much more female students than male over the years, and by no means can the number of private students be comparable to its public counterpart. Also, the majority of enrollment are 4-year college students.

We can use the same structure set up above on hbcu_black:

reduce(hbcu_plots(hbcu_black %>% column_name_change), 

We actually observed the very similar, if not the same, trend for the black student enrollment as the overall enrollment.

hs_long <- hs_students %>%
  mutate(across(is.numeric, as.character)) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c(2:19),
               names_to = "race",
               values_to = "pct") %>%
  filter(str_detect(pct, "[:digit:]")) %>%
  mutate(pct = as.numeric(pct),
         race = str_remove(race, "1$")) %>%
  rename(year = total)

## # A tibble: 451 x 3
##    year  race                                           pct
##    <fct> <chr>                                        <dbl>
##  1 1910  total_percent_of_all_persons_age_25_and_over  13.5
##  2 1920  total_percent_of_all_persons_age_25_and_over  16.4
##  3 1930  total_percent_of_all_persons_age_25_and_over  19.1
##  4 1940  total_percent_of_all_persons_age_25_and_over  24.5
##  5 1940  white                                         26.1
##  6 1940  black                                          7.7
##  7 1950  total_percent_of_all_persons_age_25_and_over  34.3
##  8 1950  white                                         36.4
##  9 1950  black                                         13.7
## 10 1960  total_percent_of_all_persons_age_25_and_over  41.1
## # ... with 441 more rows
hs_long %>%
  filter(race == "total_percent_of_all_persons_age_25_and_over") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(year, pct, group = 1)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(scale = 1)) +
  labs(x = NULL,
       y = "percentage of age 25 and above",
       title = "Yearly Percentage of All Persons Age 25 and Over") 

hs_long %>%
  mutate(year = as.numeric(as.character(year))) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(race, "standard"),
         str_detect(race, "white|black|total_asian|indian")) %>% 
  mutate(race = str_to_title(fct_recode(race, 
                                        "asian" = "total_asian_pacific_islander",
                                        "native indian" = "american_indian_alaska_native")),
         race = fct_reorder(race, -pct, last)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(year, pct, color = race, group = race)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(scale = 1)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) +
  labs(x = "",
       y = "percentage of this race",
       color = "",
       title = "Percentage of Various Races graduating HS")

When evaluating the plot, we can see that in 1940 only black and white students being recorded graduating from HS, and Asian students began to emerge at the end of 1980s, followed by the Native Indian students.